Continue your life-long learning by joining the Seniors’ College Association of Nova Scotia, a volunteer-based registered non-profit organization dedicated to providing affordable non-credit academic courses to seniors (age 50+) in Nova Scotia. Courses are for your learning enjoyment, without tests or assignments. Full membership entitles you to attend any number of the courses offered per year whether they are delivered in-person or online. Online membership entitles you to attend any number of courses that are delivered online. It also allows you to participate in further developing this dynamic learning organization. Classes are offered in the Halifax Regional Municipality, Liverpool, Mahone Bay, and Truro. More about SCANS
Nova Scotia promotes, approves and regulates open net pen fish farms in our coastal waters. These are large cages out in the ocean which contain thousands and thousands of fish in close quarters. The trend in the rest of the Western world is to use on land closed containment finfish farms, which are less damaging and far more sustainable in all respects. What impact does this increasingly discredited business model have upon the 3 billion dollar Atlantic lobster sector and the Nova Scotia economy as a whole?
STEWART LAMONT is the Managing Director of Tangier Lobster Company and believes the lobster sector is of importance to all Nova Scotians, and the serious risk which open net pens represent.
Information provided in any Seniors’ College Association of Nova Scotia lecture is for general informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice of any kind. The opinion of the presenter is not necessarily endorsed by SCANS.