As a non-profit organization, SCANS relies upon the many and varied activities of volunteers, (members of the organization), to achieve its goals. We continually endeavour to recruit new volunteers to serve as class managers, technical support, or to fill vacant positions on the Board of Directors or Curriculum Committee, and we strive to ensure that such participation is a positive and rewarding experience. We also provide mentoring opportunities to those members who have an interest to serve on either the Curriculum Committee or the Board of Directors but are unsure of either what the expectations are or if they are the right"fit" for a particular position. Below is a list of volunteer positions required to ensure the smooth and on-going functioning of SCANS. The responsibilities for each position can be viewed by clicking on the name of the position. Incumbents are listed here.
The President “shall be responsible for the effectiveness of the Board and shall perform other duties as assigned by the members or the directors (Bylaws section 38). Specific duties include, but are not limited to: a) Preparing the agendas for meetings of the Membership, the Board, and Board Executive; b) Providing a report at BoD meetings. c) Presiding as Chairperson over these meetings; d) Being an ex officio voting member of all Standing Board committees. e) Representing the interests of SCANS in liaising with other organizations.
The Vice-President “shall perform the duties of the President during the absence, illness, or incapacity of the President, or when the President requests him or her to do so” (Bylaws section 39), and such other appropriate duties as assigned by the Board. In the case of the resignation or incapacity of the President, the Vice-President automatically becomes President for the duration of the President's unexpired term (Robert's Rules, 10th edition, Section 47).
The Treasurer shall have responsibility (based on Bylaws section 41) for: a) The authorized disbursement of funds; b) Legal custody of all financial books and records of SCANS; c) Presentation of a report at BoD meetings. d) Preparation of an annual financial statement; e) Preparation of an annual budget to be presented at the Annual General Meeting; f) Other financial duties appropriate to the office as assigned by the Board.
The Secretary shall (based upon Bylaws Section 40): a) Have responsibility for the preparation of the minutes of General meetings, Board of Directors' meetings, and Board Executive meetings; b) Keep on file "hard copies" of all General Meetings, Board meetings, and Board Executive meetings, and all reports submitted to the Board; c) File with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies all documents required by that agency including i. a copy of every special resolution within fourteen days after the resolution is passed ii. a list of directors with their addresses, occupations, and dates of appointment or election within fourteen days of their election or appointment, d) Other duties appropriate to the office as assigned by the Board.
past president
The Immediate Past-President “shall normally chair the nominating committee” (Bylaws section 42) and perform other duties appropriate to the office, as assigned by the Board.
board of directors
It is expected that Board members will act in the best interest of SCANS to help carry out its mission. It is also expected that Board members will comply with SCANS by-laws and adhere to policies and procedures as laid out in this manual. When a SCANS member agrees to be nominated for election to the Board, s/he also agrees to the following. a) All Board members must be willing to actively participate in a standing committee of the Board, an Ad Hoc committee of the Board or volunteer for a specific duty as requested by the President. b) It is understood that Board members do not represent any specific SCANS Chapter and that Board Members do not represent the Board at the Chapter level. Board members can participate at Chapter levels only if they have been specifically asked by the Curriculum Committee Chair to do so, or if one is already a current member of a Chapter Curriculum Committee. c) To avoid a conflict of interest, or a perception thereof, Board members shall not assume that they will be engaged as instructors. Instructors who are on the Board shall acknowledge the Curriculum Committee’s independence in structuring curriculum and choosing instructors.
curriculum committee
The Chair of the Curriculum Committee (CC) takes a leadership role in organizing the structure of the Curriculum Committee and lends support to all Curriculum Committee members throughout each term’s planning and execution process. As the workloads of Curriculum Committee members pile up, as challenges arise and policies and procedures require clarification, the Chair’s role is to solve problems and seek solutions through communication with the Office Manager and Registrar, the Board members and all Curriculum Committee members. The Chair collaborates to create meeting agendas and chairs Curriculum Committee meetings. S/he serves on the Board as the voice of the Curriculum Committee, hosts special meetings and SCANS volunteer events, and invites new members to join the Curriculum Committee. Specific duties include: 1. Ensuring that forms such as the Faculty Information Form, the Class Managers’ Guidelines, and Class Cancellation Procedures are updated and shared with the Curriculum Committee and Board Members. 2. Choosing dates for information registration sessions and term start dates and systems and presents them to CC for approval. 3. Writing thank you cards to all instructors. 4. Attending a class of each course or designating another CC member to do so.
hrm faculty coordinator
1. Attends Curriculum Committee meetings. 2. Identifies and enlists Instructors for courses each term. 3. Ensures that all Instructors have completed the Faculty Information Form and updated all information therein. 4. Attempts to balance the variety of course subjects within each semester. 5. Works with the HRM Venues Coordinator to design and implement a workable schedule of times and places for courses, coinciding as much as possible with the stated preferences of instructors (if noted on the Faculty Information Form). 6. Confirms times, dates and locations with instructors. Discusses draft and final schedules for approval by the Curriculum Committee Chair. 7. Sends all course descriptions, instructor profiles and schedule information to the Brochure Coordinator so that the brochure and publicity materials can be prepared in a timely manner and made available for final proofing. 8. Proofreads final draft of the SCANS term brochure and publicity materials. 9. Organizes the Information Sessions. 10. Requests the attendance of Instructors at the Information Sessions. 11. Introduces Instructors at the Information Sessions. 12. Reviews Feedback Forms
other faculty coordinators
1. Attend full Curriculum Committee meetings as required. 2. Enlist instructors to teach courses each term. Ensure that all instructors have completed the Faculty Information Form and updated all information therein. 3. Attempt to balance the subject matter of courses in any one term. 4. Secure venues. 5. Set up a schedule for the courses and present to Curriculum Committee for approval. 6. Send all course titles, course descriptions, instructor profiles, and schedule information (day, time, location) to Brochure Coordinator, so that the brochure and publicity materials can be prepared in a timely manner. 7. Proofread a final draft of brochure. 8. Ensure publicity posters are distributed around the community at least two weeks before the registration session. 9. Support local publicity person who gives registration-day information to local newspapers, radio station, and other media outlets. 10. Coordinate the registration session: book venue; ensure instructors will attend; look after room setup; emcee the session; get volunteers to help with the registration and refreshments if appropriate; send registration paperwork to the SCANS office manager. 11. Liaison with the SCANS Registrar to ensure the membership lists are accurate. 12. Enlist Class Managers and other assistants as required. Each Class Manager is given the Class Manager Guidelines sheet created and revised by the Class Manager Coordinator. 13. Forward all Class Manager contact information to the Office Manager, as well as updates on registration, contact information, additions and withdrawals. 14. Consult with LOCAL venue and SCANS Technology Coordinator to make sure the necessary equipment for the various instructors is available and functioning. 15. Attend the first class of each course to introduce the instructor. 16. Check with Class Managers after two weeks of classes to remind them to update the Class Lists and forward to the Office Manager so all Class Lists can be updated. 17. Advise Class Managers when evaluation forms are available to be completed online. Provide a few hard copies of the form to Class Managers, pick them up after courses finish, review them, and deliver them to the SCANS office for the Feedback Coordinator.
The secretary shall write the minutes during each Curriculum Committee meeting. S/he will email minutes to CCC for review no later than a week after the meeting; Following any corrections, the minutes will be sent to all cc members. S/he will remind CC members of the date of the next scheduled meeting approximately a week prior to its date. S/he will follow up with any other communications as requested by the Curriculum Committee Chair
technology coordinator
1. Attends Curriculum Committee meetings 2. Receives brochure from Webmaster identifying term courses, dates and locations. 3. Creates schedule: Course title and course description, instructor, time, date, location and duration of class, and technology requirements as articulated in the Faculty Information Forms or by the HRM Faculty Coordinator. 4. Shares schedule with the Technology Team, asking for their course attendance. 5. Enters technology assistants’ names on schedule. 6. Contacts Instructors to make an appointment with the Technical Coordinator to test-run their presentations using the SCANS equipment before the term commences. 7. Receives names of Class Managers from Class Manager Coordinator. Updates schedule. 8. Arranges for the setup of the A/V system for Public Lectures. 9. Assists with computer-related issues and challenges as they arise. 10. Maintains A/V inventory. 11. Assesses anticipated need and proposes budgets for equipment purchases through the current and next year.
feedback coordinator
At the beginning of courses: a) Ensures feedback form is appropriately revised if necessary, and that the form is available in the shared Dropbox file for limited printing. b) If changes are made sends an updated form to the website administrator for posting. c) Three weeks before the end of courses: Ensures that several hard copies are available for all classes in HRM. d) Notifies other Chapter Coordinators via Dropbox when an updated form is available. At the end of courses: a) Ensures collection of all forms from each Chapter and compiles the information. b) Reports to the Curriculum Committee within four weeks from the end of the last class. c) Sends the report via email to the Curriculum Committee Chair, and all Faculty Coordinators. d) Emails feedback information to all Instructors after checking with each Faculty Coordinator to see if she/he wants to send this information.
CLASS MANAGER coordinator
1. Identifies from the Registrar’s preliminary class lists, whenever possible before term start, potential Class Managers as soon as they have registered for a class, so that they may assume assignment as soon as possible. 2. Prepares class envelopes with pertinent information on the front as to course title, instructor name, venue, class date and time that will contain two class lists (one with email addresses for the Class Manager and another, without addresses, for noting attendance), and any other pertinent documentation; 3. Includes in these envelopes six hard copy evaluation forms, the instructor’s biography and contact information, a dozen or more new brochures for members to share, a copy of the HRM Class Manager Guidelines and the Class Cancellation Procedure. 4. Selects and appoints the remaining needed Class Manager volunteers from the SCANS membership in all three academic terms. 5. Shares contact information on all Class Managers with the Office Manager as soon as possible. 6. Verifies that all Class Managers have followed the first class day’s check off points with class members. 7. Appoints additional personnel (“Shadows”) for the larger HRM courses as assistants to specific Class Managers and as members of a pool of apprentice Class Managers for future deployment. 8. Provides training sessions to Class Managers prior to course start dates as required or works on an individual basis with prospective Class Managers (when group training is not feasible). 9. Forwards at the commencement of each term, to the Technology, Venues and Faculty Coordinators, Office Manager, Class Instructor, and the Curriculum Committee Chair, the names of the current serving Class Managers. 10. Ensures that technical and venue contacts for each course have been added to all the class lists and the list in Dropbox. 11. Checks class management regularly during the term by consulting the Class Managers and other observers. 12. Forwards Public Lecture announcements and other information as required to all Class Managers and other volunteers. 13. Advises Class Managers on the class cancellation policy and, upon a cancellation occurring, supports their understanding of how the cancellation is unfolding and their own efforts in contacting class members. 14. Sends to all Class Managers thank-you email messages after the end of each term. 15. Notes any end of term observations suggesting any changes or improvements to classroom management.
brochure coordinator
1. Receives from the Faculty Coordinators, each term, the complete information about each course: course title, Instructor’s name, days, times, location and duration as well as course descriptions and Instructor bios in the form submitted by the Instructors themselves. 2. Once the above schedule is established as reasonably complete and accurate, fits the information into two different documents: the brochure for the upcoming term and the course information for publication on the website. 3. Sends out the draft brochure to the Curriculum Chair and Faculty Coordinators for proof reading. 4. Once corrections or changes are completed: a) Sends the brochure to the Office Manager for printing. b) Posts the brochure on the SCANS website c) Posts new or updated bios and course descriptions.
HRM venues coordinator
The Venues Coordinator (HRM) is responsible for the coordination of venues and schedules within HRM. Working with the HRM Faculty Coordinator, s/he situates selected instructors in one of several venues contracted by the Board, according to an agreed schedule, for each of the SCANS academic terms. The Venues Coordinator collaborates closely with the Faculty Coordinator, the Technical Support Coordinator, Publicity Coordinator, Chair of the Curriculum Committee, and Office Manager to keep them informed of venues being arranged. The HRM Venues Coordinator works closely with the HRM Faculty Coordinator to place instructors in venues according to schedules that serve the mutual interests of SCANS members and instructors, considering a number of criteria: 1. Contractual obligations of venue rental (e.g., cost, availability) 2. Specific requirements of instructors e.g., technical equipment, light levels, preferred weekday and time to teach; 3. Class registration numbers anticipated; 4. Past history of specific course presentation – to avoid repetition of class presentation in a specific area; 5. The need to provide lectures where they are most desired and to meet geographic demands. 6. The policy of locating the majority of SCANS courses in venues not open to the general public will generate revenue in the form of annual memberships. The availability of parking (preferably free or low cost) for a substantial number of cars; 7. The proximity of public transit stops; 8. Accessibility for persons with limited mobility 9. While classes are in progress, the HRM Venues Coordinator monitors class cancellations and required extensions as reported by the Cancellation Coordinator in case an extension may impact invoices from the rented venues. If possible, one additional week only is contracted. 10. Any difficulties arising in venue operations that impact the SCANS courses will be discussed with the respective venue management by the HRM Venue Coordinator, if informed.
hrm public lectures coordinator
1. Chooses appropriate dates for two lectures per term in consultation with venue coordinator who will book the venue. 2. Attempts to balance the subject matter of the lectures in any one term, so as to appeal to the broader membership. 3. Consults widely with other Seniors’ College members regarding potential lecturers. 4. Contacts prospective lecturers by e-mail and arranges to meet them to discuss a potential topic if necessary. 5. Sends confirmation of date, time and place by e-mail to lecturer 6. In the above e-mail, asks for bio information, lecture description and A/V requirements. 7. Sends information to Web Administrator who puts it in poster format and posts it on the Seniors’ College website. 8. Advises the Technology Coordinator of A/V requirements. 9. Provides local media such as radio, TV, newspaper with lecture information. 10. Sends poster to Office Manager for sending to “complete e-mail list”. 11. Advises the Hospitality Coordinator of lecture date. 12. Gets honorarium cheque from Office Manager. 13. Welcomes audience, gives brief overview of Seniors’ College and introduces lecturer 14. Reminds attendees to make cash donations for the refreshments and lecture venue costs.
hrm hospitality coordinator
1. Selects at least two volunteers from the contact list two weeks before the event to set up and serve refreshments. 2. Purchases supplies as required, e.g., a litre each of milk and cream. 3. Maintains a record of expenses and forwards expense claims to the Office Manager for reimbursement. 4. Arrives at least one hour before the event start time, having picked up the urns, kettles and supplies boxes at the SCANS Office if required. 5. Cleans and tidies the kitchens facilities of the venue at the end and packs away SCANS equipment for return to the Office A more detailed description of the kitchen activities follows here: a) the dry supplies, such as coffee, tea, sugar and other condiments, have to be assessed on a regular basis. The purchased supplies should include a litre each of milk and cream. b) Use one for hot water for tea. Fill the other for coffee, using 2 ½ - 2 ¾ cups of ground coffee. For days when many people are expected, extra small urns might be borrowed from a member’s home. Set a table with a table cloth and other supplies, such as tea bags, sugar, napkins, stir sticks, cream, milk and food. Put the food out at the start of the break. Keep checking supplies and refill as needed.When the event is over, empty urns and wipe them out. Repack supplies. Make a list of supplies that will be needed for the next time. Return the urns and supply containers to the SCANS Office.
website administrator
Website Admin responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Maintain registrations with domain-name service and web-hosting service. 2. Maintain, update, and archive the structure and content of the SCANS website, in conjunction with SCANS designated authorities. 3. Manage and run the website course-registration process in each academic term, in conjunction with the Registrar. 4. Manage and run the website course-feedback process in each academic term, in conjunction with the Feedback Coordinator. 5. Manage and run the website course-materials process in each academic term, in conjunction with course instructors as required. 6. Checks the online feedback form on the SCANS website to ensure it is operational. 7. Respond to member queries related to website services.
finance committee
chair and members
The Finance Committee is a Standing Committee chaired by the Treasurer. Its members shall be appointed by the Board in consultation with the Treasurer, and would normally include those Board members who have signing authority for SCANS funds. The Committee shall provide advice and assistance to the Treasurer, as requested, on matters such as annual membership fees, banking, saving and investment options, and the disbursement policies for grants and other external funds. If requested, it will also advise on remuneration for employees and Instructors, instructional expenses, rents for instructional rooms, as well as other expenses and possible revenues. The Committee may consult with financial professionals when external advice is needed in the Committee’s deliberations. The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Committee and the Office Manager, will prepare the annual Association budget.
publicity committee
chair and members
The Chair of this Committee shall appoint the members of this Standing Committee. This committee has the general responsibility for cost-effectively informing the SCANS demographic of the existence of SCANS, and the services we provide, by means of print, radio, television and social media. The Committee shall prepare a publicity plan and amend as required. Other activities appropriate to the office shall be undertaken as requested by Board Members and Faculty Coordinators.
volunteers committee
chair and members
The Chair of this Committee serves as the point of contact on the SCANS website for all offers of volunteer service in all SCANS chapters, responds to contacts, and forwards names to appropriate Faculty Coordinators (or their designate). A roster of positions and their descriptions is maintained on the SCANS webpage. Volunteers are so utilized that everyone enlisted may help at least once in some capacity.
other volunteer positions
Class manager
Class Manager's Role
Arrive 30 minutes prior to class to set up
Learn location of washrooms, elevator and fire exits and share with class at first meeting
Attendance sheet on table at entrance - ask students to confirm email and phone numbers
If a student is not on the list, add them and notify Sue at the office 902-444-7588
Arrange chairs for class according to the number registered and recruit members to help restack at the end of class. Note if you are the CM for a morning class at Hope United Hall and there is an afternoon Class the same day, you do not need to restack the chairs. Only the Afternoon class will need to do that.
Arrange lectern/table/ water as instructor requests
During First Class introduce instructor and read bio
If class is cancelled by the instructor, please notify the Cancellation Coordinator (Anna Fried) and the Office Manager (Sue Hawkes).
At all Classes - make any college and/or class announcements required
During last 2 Classes - remind members to complete feedback forms online or paper version and return to office
At completion of term - return attendance sheet, contact list and any feedback forms to office