1. How will I know if a class is cancelled because of weather?
This procedure applies to cancellation of classes because of storms, other major disruption, or any other reason in Halifax Regional Municipality only. (Members in Chapters of SCANS outside HRM should follow the policy outlined by their own Chapter)
Generally, if the public schools are cancelled throughout HRM because of weather conditions, then SCANS will also be cancelled. SCANS will check on school closures in the early morning and, if necessary, will then post cancellation notices on the SCANS website between 7.00 and 8.00 am. www.thescans.org
Any member who does not have access to a computer will be advised of cancellations by the Class Manager. Please ensure the class list shows your telephone number(s).
Should a class cancellation be necessary because of a sudden unforeseen event, every effort will be made to contact class members by email or telephone, as appropriate, by 9.00 am.
(Full details of the Cancellation Policy are shown in the Policy & Procedure Manual on the Resources-Documents page)
2. Can I bring a friend to class?
Yes! You may introduce SCANS to your friend by bringing him or her to one class. Please wait until after the first day to be sure there is an extra chair for your guest.
3. Is there a sliding scale for membership?
No. We try to keep costs low so that our membership is within range of a person with a modest income. If the membership fee is beyond your ability to pay, SCANS supports a limited number of bursaried memberships. Contact the Office Manager to apply.
4. I travel a lot. Are single-term memberships available?
No. Membership fees are not based on cost per course, per location or per term. Members may take any number of courses in any SCANS community over the three consecutive terms of their membership. A one-year membership reduces the administrative burden of single-term memberships in a not- for- profit organization like SCANS that relies heavily upon volunteer efforts for its administration and smooth functioning. Members find that the value of even one good course in a year is worth the price of a one-year membership.
5. Will I receive a confirmation of my course selections?
Yes, by email only. You will also receive notice – within days – if you are waitlisted for a seat in any course. We send the positive confirmation emails out course-by course rather than person-by-person to save time. You should receive it within a week of the start date.
6. How will I know when my membership is due?
The SCANS office sends out renewal notices by email, usually a month before the Information Sessions that kick off each term. If a member has no email address, the office posts your renewal and includes a copy of the term brochure.
7. Who decides what courses to offer?
Each SCANS Chapter has a coordinator who works with the Curriculum Committee as a whole to recruit and evaluate instructors and courses. Membership in the Committee is open to any member. Contact the office for contact information.
8. Does SCANS issue tax receipts for memberships and donations?
No. SCANS is not a registered charity and has no authority to issue tax receipts. Receipts are always given when a member pays with cash, and can be issued by request in other instances.
9. Who do I tell when I have a good course idea?
If you know your local Chapter Coordinator, tell her or him. Otherwise, email or call the office to have your idea forwarded.
10. Why are there SCANS chapters in some parts of Nova Scotia and not others?
SCANS expands to communities according to community interest and capacity. If you want a SCANS chapter in your community and you’re willing to do some organizing, contact the office. 15-20 interested individuals, a place to hold classes and a willingness to locate and recruit local experts and/or academics from your area is a good start.